The Gluster Blog

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Ovirt + Docker


A small blog on how to put Ovirt inside a docker.

Install docker on your system.

Get an account in docker.

pull a base image from docker which ovirt supports. For example : Fedora and centos.

Let us install ovirt on centos, by pulling centos base image from docker.

Instructions to follow:

docker run -i -t centos /bin/bash – user will be logged into the bash prompt of centos machine.

Now install all the packages which ovirt requires on top of centos base image.

As a first step, add the official ovirt repository by running the command “yum localinstall”

Add / enable the epel repo by running the command “rpm -ivh”

Install ovirt-engine by running the command “yum install -y ovirt-engine”

Before running the engine-setup, make sure /etc/sysconfig/network is present with the following contents


With out the above, postgresql will not start and data base would not be created.

Run the engine-setup command , and when prompted with a question, “Do you wish to setup firewall as IPtables?” Input the answer as “No”, otherwise execution fail.

Once engine setup is done, browse through the URL “https://<ip>/ovirt-engine&#8221;.

Pushing Image back to docker central repository

To push the repository, user need to peform the below repository.

Exit from the centos with ovirt installed base image .

Run the command to commit the image which has been created recently “docker commit <commitid>  <docker_username>/<give the name for your image>”

Now push the docker image to the central repository so that others can make use of that by running the command “docker push <docker_username>/<name of newly created user>

That is it !!! Now newly created image that is centos + ovirt is pushed to the central repository.

You can verify the same by searching for the image pushed . Run the command “docker search <newly created docker image>”

There you go, in the result set returned you should see an image pushed by you.





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